Stratos Card
617 Detroit
Ann Arbor, MI
48104 USA
Stratos Card Logo
Mobile Payments Industry

Mobile Payments Industry

There is no clear winner in the fight for market share of the growing in-store mobile payment or "proximity payment" market

The industry will attract new technologies geared toward making non-cash purchases simpler, safer and smarter in stores. Analysts project in-store mobile payments will be $41 billion in the U.S. by 2017 with a 45 percent growth rate. 1

1 Forrester, "US Mobile Payments Forecast, 2013-2017" analyst, Denee Carrington

Payment Ecosystem Challenges


  • Security breaches
  • 2% to 3% fee heavy
  • Out of date POS infrastructure

Networks & Issuers

  • CurrentC others seeking to disrupt
  • Magstripe circa 1970s technology

Card Issuers

  • Competition over Top of Wallet
  • Lack of differentiation
  • Lack of direct member engagement


  • Insecure cards
  • Bulky wallets
  • Lost rewards opportunities

Today, mobile has become frontline in the battle to control the future of consumer payments. For mobile adoption to accelerate, the ecosystem must cooperate and support a consistent experience. With thinning margins, retail merchants continue to pay networks costly interchange fees. Recent security breaches have added to margin pressure, forcing merchants to evaluate new secure payment methods.

Evolution of Payments

Payments in 1900s 1900s
Payments in the 1980s and 1990s 1970/80s
Payments in the 21st Century 2000s

2015, the next stage.

It’s your world.One card holds it all.

The Stratos Bluetooth Connected Card™ is the next evolution to mobile payments.

It is the intersection of mobile payments and connected devices, offering the efficiency of conventional payment cards with the power and convenience of a mobile wallet.

Specifically designed to improve in-store payments, it is backward compatible, working seamlessly with existing point of sales systems, yet is smart and convenient, enabling shoppers to make easier, wiser, faster payments in stores.

Ecosystem Benefits

Consumer Benefits Consumers
  • Consolidate, carry one powerful card
  • More secure
  • Smarter, optimize rewards
  • Works where traditional cards are accepted
Merchant Benefits Merchants
  • Lower interchange when closedloop store card is used
  • Customer data
  • Better customer engagement
  • No infrastructure charge
Bank Benefits Banks & Issuers
  • Virtual "Top of Wallet"
  • Card/wallet usage data
  • Brand differentiation

The Stratos Bluetooth Connected Card is the ideal non-disruptive mobile payment solution for consumers, retailers and issuers.

It works where traditional cards are accepted and is safer and simpler to use than traditional plastic cards. For merchants and card issuers, Stratos helps to strengthen brand loyalty by providing better data and improved communications to card users avoiding costly infrastructure and process change.

Demonstration cards only. Actual card may differ in appearance.