Getting Started

Install Stratos Card App

Using your device, search for 'Stratos Card' in your app store
iOS Available for iOS 8.1.1 or later iOS Setup Guide
Android Available for Android 4.4 or later (but not Android 6.0) Android Setup Guide

How Stratos Works The basics.

Stratos Card
Stratos Card

Touch Sensors

The touch sensors allow you to select your favorite cards.

Stratos Card

Priority Spot

The Priority Spot enables quick access to the other cards stored in the Stratos App, aside from your three favorites.

Stratos Card

LED Indicators

The four LEDs on the Stratos Card flash to indicate which card is ready to be used.

Stratos Card
Stratos Card

Single Tap to Pay

Single tap your card before swiping.

A single tap will wake up your Stratos Card and default to the last card used. A flashing amber LED indicates which card is ready.

Stratos Card
Stratos Card

Double Tap to Select A Card

The LEDs will flash in an amber waterfall pattern until you touch one of the sensors to choose a card.

Watch Video Example

A Double Tap will also remind you on your mobile lock screen which cards are set as your top three.

Stratos Card
Stratos Card

Priority Spot

The Priority Spot enables quick access to the other cards stored in the Stratos App, aside from your three favorites.

Drag a card up from the list view into the Priority Spot icon.

Watch Video Example

Double tap to sync this change to your Stratos Card. An amber LED should flash in the Priority Spot icon.

Note: This card is now selected for use until you clear it with a double tap.